Your credit report 

Have you ever wondered how a bank or lender decides whether or not to give you credit? One of the tools they use is your credit report (or file) to determine credit risk. This tells them about your credit history and helps them assess how much of a risk lending to you will be.


Where to get your credit report & score

You can access your credit report online from the any of the links below. Most offer free trial periods. Noodle will provide your credit report & score, free for life.

Helpforbuyers Ltd has no control or responsibility for the above page links or to where any subsequent links may take you.

What’s in your credit report?

Your credit report typically holds the following information:

  • A list of all your credit accounts. This includes bank and credit card accounts as well as other credit arrangements such as outstanding loan agreements or those with your utility company. They will show whether you have made repayments on time and in full. Items such as missed or late payments will stay on your credit report for at least six years. So too do court judgments for non-payment of debts, bankruptcies and individual voluntary arrangements.
  • Details of any people who are financially linked to you, which means you’ve taken out joint credit.
  • Public record information such as County Court Judgments (called ‘Decrees’ in Scotland), house repossessions and bankruptcies for six years after they occur.
  • Your current account provider, but only details of overdrafts.
  • Whether you are on the electoral register.
  • Your name and date of birth.
  • Your current and previous addresses.
  • If you’ve committed a fraud (or someone has stolen your identity and committed fraud) this will be held on your file under the CIFAS section.

Your credit report doesn’t carry other personal information such as your salary, religion or any criminal record.

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